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We envision a world where all individuals are empowered to reach their potential and lead a fulfilling life

Our Inroductions

Who We Are

SAAD Foundation is a Not for Profit social developmental organization registered under Maharashtra Public Charitable Trust Act 1950 & Societies Registration Act 1860 in 2011. SAAD has been working in the slum of Mumbai and its suburbs even before its inception. The Founders of SAAD are an amalgamation of both grassroots’ activists and trained professionals in social development. This alliance gives SAAD to look at issues with passion, science, and knowledge. SAAD Foundation has been closely working in collaboration with various developmental organizations and corporates to reach out and impact the lesser privileged and socio-economically deprived both in urban and rural settings for holistic growth and empowerment.


We engage with and strengthen communities by providing access to quality education, healthcare, rights-based knowledge and shelter through capacity building, collaboration and advocacy

Thematic Areas


Enabling safe places for children to learn and grow. To give them an equitable chance at education with ensuring quality education and opportunities to grow and promote safe spaces for children to learn and be responsible adults


To promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being among community people and make available knowledge, skills, and resources that empower individuals to make informed decisions and adopt healthy behavior that contribute to their overall well-being

Women empowerment

To promote gender equality and ensure the full and equal participation of women in all aspects of society and to improve women's access to quality healthcare services, including sexual and reproductive health services

Rural Development

To improve the quality of services, socio-economic conditions, access to resources and quality infrastructure and overall well-being of rural communities

Environment Sustainability

To ensure the long-term well-being of the planet and its ecosystems by promoting responsible and sustainable practices in various aspects of human activity

To encourage responsible use of natural resources, such as water, forests, minerals, and fisheries, through sustainable management practices that ensure their availability for future generations

Our Values

  • Accountability:

    Being accountable towards are work and adhering to code of conduct

  • Transparency:

    Maintaining transparency in our communication with all our stakeholders internal and external

  • Excellence:

    Always giving our best for highest quality outcomes

  • Collaboration:

    Working together to achieve larger impact

  • Empathy:

    Being respectful and mindful of people’s emotions and beliefs

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    Our Partners


  • All Cargo Logistics
  • IIFL Foundation
  • Mohini Organics
  • Galaxy Surfactants
  • Black Soil
  • Anthony Waste
  • Amazon
  • Sony


  • Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
  • Ministry of Jal Shakti/Department of drinking water and sanitation

Implementing Partners

  • D. Y. Patil Hospital, Navi Mumbai
  • Astha Parivar
  • Community Based Organisation
  • Laxmi Eye Care
  • Terna Hospital
  • Mahatma Eye Bank and Hospital
Our Project

Your support makes our
project a reality.
